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Военное право
Военное право

Электронное научное издание "Военное право" 2011г.


Magazine "Military law". Release № 4, 2011

1.Chuschkina A.А., vpravo@mail.ru.
Foreign experience of formation of anticorruption sense of justice of military men.
Foreign experience on corruption counteraction and formation of anticorruption sense of justice of military men is analyzed in article, the most effective anticorruption measures in different social, economic and political conditions are considered in it.
Key words: foreign experience, corruption counteraction, аnticorruption sense of justice, legislative maintenance, monetary maintenance, special anticorruption body, personnel politics, system of interdictions and restrictions, anticorruption training and education, activity transparency, participation of the public in fight against corruption.
ID number of the article in STC "Informregistr": 0421100099\0040

2.Shcherbakov V.F., a member of the Federation, Professor of Criminal Law of the Russian Academy of Justice, LL.D., profes-sor, romirka@list.ru, Marshakova N., Associate Professor of Criminal Law of the Russian Academy of Justice ', PhD, romirka@list.ru.
War crimes in the Special Section Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
The article actualized problems with war crimes in the Special Part of the Criminal Code. Expands the legal basis of military servants would. The features of the structuring of war crimes. It is concluded that crimes against military service - a complex criminal and legal phenomenon.
Key words: the "military service", "order military service," "war crimes".
ID number of the article in STC "Informregistr": 0421100099\0041

3.Babakov A.L., vpravo@mail.ru.
Legal consequences of termination of access to state secret civilian personnel of the Armed Forces.
In article the comment of the legislation on protection of the state secret is given, and also reveals the bases of dismissal of workers for the mode infringement, making the state secret.
Key words: The state secret, protection of the state secret, infringement of the obligations connected with preservation of the state secret.
ID number of the article in STC "Informregistr": 0421100099\0042

4.Zdanowicz Y., Russian Defense Ministry. A senior officer, Kandidat888@mail.ru.
Foreign legislation on the supply of goods for state needs, including for defense.
Paper is devoted to the study of international law governing the supply of goods for state needs, including for defense purposes. Highlights the main principles of public procurement, state the main purpose of purchasing, studied the advantages and disadvantages of the order of delivery of goods for the government (includingdefense) needs as set out in the foreign law.
Key words: Procurement system in the foreign law. Categories of laws. The basic principles of public procurement. Basic principles of procurement.
ID number of the article in STC "Informregistr": 0421100099\0043

5.Kаmennaya N.А., vpravo@mail.ru
Compulsion to conclude the state contract on delivery of the goods, performance of works, rendering of services for needs of military organizations: concept, essence, procedure.
The article considers the theoretical and practical aspects of the problem of compulsion to the conclusion of the state contract for the supply of goods, provision of services, execution of works for state needs.
Key words: state contract; compulsion to the conclusion of the state contract; the state needs.
ID number of the article in STC "Informregistr": 0421100099\0044

6.Nikolaev Y.A., vpravo@mail.ru.
Role of the President of the Russian Federation in formation of system of the state defensive order.
In article investigated and analyzed powers of the President of the Russian Federation in sphere of the state defensive order and some questions of economic development of strategic nuclear forces of Russia.
Key words: strategic nuclear forces, state defensive order, targeted funding programs, innovational development, control, corruption, legal regulation, implementation of works, state needs.
ID number of the article in STC "Informregistr": 0421100099\0045

7.Smorchkova L.N., candidate of jurisprudence, l.smorchkova@mail.ru.
Principles of legal regulation attitudes of property with participation of military establishments.
In article some principles of legal regulation attitudes of property with participation of military establishments, shaping a basis of a legal regime of their property come to light and stated.
Key words: military establishment, property, the right of operative administration, рrinciples of law, legal regulation, legal regime of property.
ID number of the article in STC "Informregistr": 0421100099\0046

8.Trofimov M. V., candidate of legal sciences.
About the right to property income tax deduction for the participants in the accumulative-mortgage system of housing for military personnel.
The article is devoted to the problems of realization of the right to property income tax deduction for the participants in the accumulative-mortgage system of housing for military personnel.
Key words: taxation of military personnel, income tax deduction, accumulative-mortgage system of housing for military personnel.
ID number of the article in STC "Informregistr": 0421100099\0047

9.Sokolov M.S., еmployee of the Center of Study the Problems of the Russian Law «Aequitas», candidate of law sciences.
U.S. initiatives in the field of information security.
The legal basis for provision of the international information security only is created now. The role of information technology increases in government sphere. Value of information sphere for international security raises also. The article describes the U.S. initiatives related to the use of information technology for military purposes and the development of national information security system.
Key words: information security оf USA, cyber defense.
ID number of the article in STC "Informregistr": 0421100099\0048

10.Kosovets T.I., the Center for the study of problems of the Russian law "Equitas», ksvc@mail.ru.
Features staffing of border control units engaged in operational activity in aerial crossings.
The main idea of the article is to evedinate the main factors determinating the process of human recourse management of border-guard troops. The peculiarities of discharging of duties in international airports were given consideration also. The author’s taken a shot to analyse the motives of crimes committed by servicemen in checkpoints.
Key words: bodies of military administration, service women, psychological constitution, professional development, corruption.
ID number of the article in STC "Informregistr": 0421100099\0049

11.Rybka L.P., a research student of the Department of the Constitutional and Administrative Law at the Orel State University, a servicewoman of the Academy of the Federal Guard Service of the Russian Federation.
The structure realization mechanism of the male and female equality principle when serving under contract.
Proposed by the author the structure realization mechanism of the male and female equality principle, covered in the article, is based on two aspects: common conditions and requirements to the citizens of Russia willing to conclude a contract and be appointed to military posts.
Key words: mechanism structure, law realization provision, virtual realization, law defense.
ID number of the article in STC "Informregistr": 0421100099\0050

12.Yermolovich Yaroslav Nikolaevich, The PhD in Law, the lecturer of criminal law department of the Military University.
Correlation and interconnection of the military and military-criminal legislation.
The interconnection of the military and criminal legislation is analyzed in the article. On the basis of the research the author comes to a conclusion that the military legislation has a great influence on qualification of some military crimes, acting as a criminal law source. In fact, in some cases the contents of a military law rules determine a criminal liability for military crimes. In turn the military-criminal legislation influences on some institutions of a military law. In certain cases the military legislation rules are uncoordinated with the military-criminal legislation rules, and sometimes they defy the institutions of military punishments, criminal liability of servicemen and principles of a military-criminal policy. Today, the military legislation rules are required to be brought to conformity with the military-criminal law theory and the military-criminal legislation.
Key words: military legislation, military-criminal legislation, servicemen, criminal law, military law, the status of servicemen.
ID number of the article in STC "Informregistr": 0421100099\0051

13.Tereshchuk Sergey, cadet 4 courses of military-law faculty Military university, Kharitonov, SS, PhD, Associate Professor.
Organizational and legal issues of the military police and armed forces of foreign countries (the current status and the use of good practices for ensuring the legality of the Armed Forces Russian Federation).
Аnalyzed the international experience of such a body of military control, as military police, military police activities considered for example USA, UK, Germany and France. Make practical recommendations for the use of this structure in the domestic armed forces.
Key words: military personnel, military police, the armed forces.
ID number of the article in STC "Informregistr": 0421100099\0052

14.Glukhov, E., PhD; Mishukov MV, Justice Major.
Military District in the reform: Legal Issues.
Paper is devoted to current issues of legal regulation of the military district in the modern world. The authors conclude that current legislation does not keep pace with ongoing changes in the structure of military organization and the new principles of interaction between military forces, and therefore requires correction. In particular, changes in size and competence of the military districts implies the need to amend regulations on everyday and business forces.
Key words: reform of the Armed Forces, military units, military district, operational and strategic command and control system of military units in the Armed Forces.
ID number of the article in STC "Informregistr": 0421100099\0053

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