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Военное право
Военное право

Электронное научное издание "Военное право" 2012г.


Magazine "Military law". Release № 4, 2012

1. Baydin NY, Captain, the CMO of the FSB of Russia in the MAP "Domodedovo», vpravo@mail.ru
Some words about criminal procedural activity of border control bodies build up and development on the stage of criminal case proceeding.

The author, basing on historical document, acts of law and border control bodies law practice analysis a development of the forms and methods of border control bodies activity criminal acts indication.
Key words: Criminal case proceeding, border control bodies, criminal procedural activity.

2. Kozoriz NL, Associate Professor of Military Administration, Administrative and Financial Law Military University, PhD, PhD, Associate Professor, vpravo@mail.ru
Forming of the information legislation and the strategy of the Institute of information security of military management.

The article is devoted to the analysis of problems of legal provision of information-constitutional security of military management, proposes concrete ways improvement of the legislation in this sphere.
Key words: information; information security; military control of

3. V.M Koryakin, Doctor of Law, Head of the "Civil Law and Civil Procedure," the Law Institute of the Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT),
E.J Chernobay, Postgraduate Law Institute of the Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT), vpravo@mail.ru
The rights of a neighbor and their implementation features in the land-legal and civil-law relations with the participation of military organizations.

In the article are analyzed the norms of the new edition of the Civil code of the Russian Federation providing for the introduction of legislative restrictions of the rights of owners of immovable property in the interests of the neighbors. Describes the peculiarities of such legal relations with the participation of military organizations.
Key words: the right of ownership; the rights of a neighbor; the limitation of the right of ownership.

4. Dmitriy Nasyrov, a lawer of the Closed Join-Stock Company «Nothern Building Corporation», vpravo@mail.ru.
Igor Ponomarev, lawer, candidate of legal sciences associated professor of the department of civil law;
To a question of the federal executive authority, authorized to make the decision on withdrawal of the land lot by repayment for ensuring protection and frontier protection.

In article problems of application of the ground and civil legislation in the sphere of withdrawal of the land lots at owners, land owners and land users by repayment for ensuring protection and frontier protection are considered, and also the directions of improvement of the mechanism of legal regulation in the designated area are offered.
Key words: withdrawal of the land lot by repayment, ensuring protection and frontier protection, Federal security service of the Russian Federation, Federal agency on arrangement of frontier of the Russian Federation.

5. N.I Shepherd, Captain Justice, Associate Chair of the military administration, the administrative and financial rights of the Military University, vpravo@mail.ru
The comparative legal analysis of the legislation on defense of the countries-participants of the Union state.
The article analyzes the military legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, identifies common positions in the system of legal regulation of the defence of the country, as well as shows the differences in the legal regulation of certain issues.
Key words: military law; defense of the country; the military security of the Union state

6. B.Sh. Sheyrenov, Colonel of Justice, Associate Chair of the military administration, the administrative and financial rights of the Military University, vpravo@mail.ru
Historical-legal aspects of creation and functioning of the Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The article considers the historical-legal aspects of the establishment and development of the Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic, analyzes the military law of that state, regulating the issues of military construction.
Key words: the armed forces; military organization; military law; defence; military construction.

7. Klychikov I.A., the vice-chairman of the Ural district military court, vpravo@mail.ru.
Status of judges of military court as independent legal category.

Article is devoted to justification of independence of legal category the status of judges of military court.
Key words: status of judges, status of judges of military court, independence of judges.

8. Sokolov Mikhail Sergeevich, employee of the Center of Study the Problems of the Russian Law «Aequitas», candidate of law sciences, vpravo@mail.ru.
Concept and content of security in Russia’s legislation.

The article reveals concept and content of the different types of security. Considered legal approaches to their definition. Identifies similarities definitions of different types of security. Determined by its role and importance for the national security.
Key words: security, types of security.

9.A.A Volkov, Assistant to the Chairman of Vladivostok garrison military court, a graduate student S. DVF, volkov-86@bk.ru
Corruption practices in military control bodies.

The article contains results of the survey, showing how military men treat level of corruption in different military control bodies, corruption violations that are considered to be the most common, military men suggestions on how to prevent and response corruption. The following conclusions are made: corruption in different military control bodies is distributed all over, but not equally and generally exists in those military bodies and among those officials whose activity is closely related to the most corrupt areas such as work with people unrelated to military environment (military commissariats and military educational institutions), distribution of committed material benefits (quarters, finance bodies, administrative services). Moreover, state policy, particularly related to regulation of crimes and military men corruption resistance can not be called effective. Moreover the author comes to a conclusion about corruption positive influence on the career of a military men.
Key words: corruption, military men, Military Forces, military control bodies, unticorruption actions, career.

10. Kiselyov A.V., a senior teacher, The Academy of Federal Security Guard Service of the Russian Federation, Orel, kavorel@mail.ru
About an urgency and necessity of research the institute of legal regulation of cooperation between Federal Security Guard Service and Federal Border Security Service to ensuring security of the state guard objects.

In this article is designated the problem of legal regulation of cooperation between Federal Security Guard Service and Federal Border Security Service to ensuring security of the state guard object, to which in a military law not enough attention is given.
Key words: national security, national security threat, Security Guard Service, Federal Security Service, state guard, state guard objects, law regulation, cooperation, investigation.

11. Yagolovich Ivan, taxtrener@gmail.com
Formal logic in terms of military law.

Problems of application of formal logic in a science of a military law as methods of research and definition of concepts are considered.
Key words: Military law, science of a military law, methods of research of a military law, definition of concept of a military law

12. Surkov A., Doctor of Law, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Natural Sciences, vpravo@mail.ru
Legal characteristics of "outsourcing" in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The process of involvement of civil society organizations for the provision of services and works for a fee in military command structures, associations, formations and units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Key words: Armed Forces, outsourcing, international experience, and practice.

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