О проекте


Военное право
Военное право

Электронное научное издание "Военное право" 2024г.




Index of abbreviations.

Legal provision of national security

1. Zelenenky I.A. Linguodidactic simulators in the system of professional training of military personnel in the interests of ensuring national security of the Russian Federation.
2.Kolesnikov N.V. Legal support for the organization of technical coverage of communication routes in the interests of ensuring the security of the Russian Federation.

Military administrative law

3. Glukhov E.A. Organizational and legal problems of optimal construction of the hierarchy of military formations.
4. Demedyuk K.V. The role of legal awareness of the servicemen of the Russian Guard in countering provocations.
5. Koryakin V.M. The legal status of public authorities and management in the territories where martial law has been imposed and (or) adjacent to the zone of armed conflict.
6. Mintyagov S.A. The principle of centralization or decentralization in the activities of the military police of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Military service. Status of military personnel

7. Votchenko I.A. On some features of the performance of duties by military personnel and law enforcement officers in the field of combating corruption during the Special military operation.

Military aspects of civil law

8. Yuritsyna Yu.K. The problem of the transfer of dual-use technologies to support the development of enterprises of the military-industrial complex in the Russian Federation.

Judicial activity

9. Aulov V.K. Military criminal justice of Russia vs the USA: comparative studies of the judicial system and judicial proceedings of the special legal regime of martial law.
10. Barannikov M.M.,Kharitonov S.S. Financial liability of military personnel: compensation for damage to a military organization (military judicial practice).

Criminal law, criminology, criminal procedure and criminology

11. Girko S.I., Kharchenko S.A. Some issues of operational investigative support for the disclosure and investigation of crimes.
12. Ermolovich Ya.N. On the issue of recognizing the international LGBT social movement as an extremist organization.
13. Zhilenkova T.S. The legal essence of military statutory examinations in criminal proceedings.
14. Zakaznova A.N. To the concept of “violent crime against military service”.
15. Zakomoldin R.V., Danilov P.S. On the special criminal liability of members of volunteer formations for crimes against military service.
16. Zyubanov Yu.A., Kharitonov S.S. On the state’s right to criminal punishment based on materials from military judicial practice.
17. Kirichenko N.S., Alexandrova N.G. On tightening criminal liability for crimes against the security of the Russian Federation.
18. Popov K.I. Lawful infliction of harm in the exercise of a legitimate right.
19. Sotnikova V.V., Kondrashin G.K. On the question of the illegal manufacture and circulation of pornographic materials or objects (practice of military courts).
20. Tishchenko A.O. Some aspects of the qualification of murder in the context of a special military operation.

Military problems of international law. Foreign military legislation

21. Bely P.F. The status of combatants in modern armed conflicts.
22. Melekhin V.A. Legislative regulation of the status of internal troops in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
23. Redkous V.M. Legal regulation of military service under the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
24. Shestak V.A., Rozhkova E.V. On the current international legal status of illegal combatants.

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