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Военное право
Военное право

Электронное научное издание "Военное право" 2023г.


Magazine "Military law". Release № 6, 2023


Index of abbreviations.

Legal support of national security

1. Norenko I.V. Private military companies: prospects of creation in Russia and possible threats to state sovereignty.

Theory and history of military law

2. Polunin S.V., Aseev A.G. On the reasons for non-application of the norms of international law to Soviet prisoners of war during the Second World War.

Military-administrative law

3. Kainov V.IM., Shenshin V.M. On the issue of driving a vehicle by a military driver who is in a state of intoxication.
4. Naumov P.Yu., Ustyuganov A.A., Kononov A.N. Some features of the organization and activity of legal units of medical Organizations of the National Guard troops of the Russian Federation.
5. Nekrasov A.A. Administrative and legal regulation of the rules of crossing the state border of the Russian Federation by persons and vehicles.
6. Ovcharov O.A. Goals and objectives of the military clergy: problems of their legal regulation.
7. Tsutsiev S.A. Conceptual proposals for improvement control (supervisory) activities of the medical service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Military service. Social guarantees and the status of military personnel

8. Barannikov M.M., Kharitonov S.S. On the implementation of housing rights of military personnel in the context of legal regulations based on the materials of military judicial practice.
9. Vetoshkina A.A., Vetoshkin P.V. About some features and current trends in the implementation of the right to work by military personnel.
10. Koryakin V.M. The system and powers of bodies implementing military-social policy in relation to participants of a special military operation and their family members.

Criminal law, criminology, criminal procedure and criminalistics

11. Borisov A.V. Criminal and legal characteristics of evasion from performing military service duties by simulating illness or by other means.
12. Votchenko I.A. On the composition of the crime under Article 352.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Voluntary surrender".
13. Zagubny D.Yu. The main stages of the development of Russian legislation regulating responsibility for crimes against military service.
14. Zakomoldin R.V. On the convergence and harmonization of norms and provisions of the military-criminal legislation of the CSTO member states.
15. Zyubanov Yu.A., Kharitonov S.S. Criminal procedural costs (based on the materials of military judicial ractice).
16. Ivanov A.L. Crimes related to suicide: evolution of legal views and practical issues of qualification.

Military problems of international law

17. Azizov A.G. NATO expansion in the Arctic region.
18. Kholikov I.V., Thammavongsa S. Characteristics of modern legal support of military security and military policy of the USA and China.

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