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Военное право
Военное право

Электронное научное издание "Военное право" 2023г.


Magazine "Military law". Release № 5, 2023


Index of abbreviations.

Legal support of national security

1. Sinyaeva N.A., Lomakina T.V. Legal basis for the development of the military policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic.

Theory and history of military law

2. Kakhkpyan A.S. Military law during the period of hostilities and during the armed conflict.
3. Taradonov S.V. War as a kind of military conflict: modern theoretical and legal approaches to its essence, content and varieties.

Military-administrative law

4. Zaikov D.E. Positions of teaching staff and researchers: are corruption risks justified?
5. Kainov V.I., Shenshin V.M. Driving a vehicle by a military man under the influence of alcohol: an offense, aggravating.
6. Mufazdalov S.I., Shchukin D.S. Certain issues of legislative regulation of mandatory fingerprint registration in the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation.
7. Ovcharov O.A. Goals and objectives of the military clergy: problems of their legal regulation.

Military aspects of civil and labor law

8. Zaykov D.E. Reduction of the amount (deprivation) of incentive payments to employees military units: new rules of regulation.
9. Fedorov P.E. Prospects for improving regulatory legal acts in the field of protection and disposal of the results of intellectual activity obtained during the execution of the state defense order.

Military service. Social guarantees and the status of military personnel

10. Barannikov M.M., Kharitonov S.S. Ensuring the rule of law in the field of military service under contract: military judicial practice.
11. Grishchenko L.L., Alexandrova N.A. On the implementation by military departments of the powers provided for by the Federal Law "On Defense" in the field of legal regulation of medical support.
12. Kirichenko N.S., Lysyansky V.L. Legal bases of medical support for military personnel.
13. Koryakin V.M. Reform of military registration of citizens of the Russian Federation: legal aspect.
14. Tsutsiev S.A. Social guarantees of military seamen: relevance at the present stage of construction of the Navy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
15. Chukin D.S., Bibik A.Yu. Problematic aspects of the realization of the right to additional financial assistance by servicemen of the National Guard troops of the Russian Federation.

Law enforcement and human rights activities

16. Anisimov V.S. Actual issues of participation of lawyers in the implementation of legal protection of freedoms, rights and interests of participants in a special military operation.
17. Shenshin V.M. On the right of persons who have filed complaints against the decisions of draft commissions to use the services of lawyers, consultants.

Criminal law, criminology, criminal procedure and criminalistics

18. Borisov A.V.The concept and system of crimes encroaching on the order of military service.
19. Zyubanov Yu.A., Kharitonov S.S. Qualification of crimes: familiarization with the practice of military courts.
20. Novikova O.V. On the question of the criminal-legal characteristics of desertion.

Military problems of international law

21. Sinyaeva N.A., Samodurov D.I. Strategic approaches to the development of the Arctic region in NATO documents.
22. Shakovets O.V., Lomakina T.V. The legal status of the Arctic according to the approaches of the UN and other international organizations.
23. Shakovets O.V., Samodurov D.I. Legal bases of realization of the US military potential in the Arctic.
24. Shamarov P.V.On the need to develop a concept of international humanitarian activities of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030.

Reviews of legal publications

25. Zemlin A.I., Bagreeva E.G., Balchugov S.G. Current trends in the development of domestic legal ideas: notes on the margins of the monograph "The idea of good in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky and its influence on the development of the philosophy of law (to the 200th anniversary of F.M. Dostoevsky)".
26. Ivanov V.Yu. Anti-corruption as an academic discipline (review of the textbook "Organizational and legal foundations of anti-corruption").

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