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Военное право
Военное право

Электронное научное издание "Военное право" 2023г.


Magazine "Military law". Release № 3, 2023


Index of abbreviations.

Legal support of national security

1. Akhaev A.K. On some measures to improve the public-legal mechanism for ensuring the security of the individual, society and the state.
2. Jeyranov S.S. Axiological significance of State Sovereignty in the system of State security of the Russian Federation.

Theory and history of military law

3. Malikov S.V., Prefix A.F., Slivkov A.S. Experience of the Military Prosecutor's Office during the stay of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan (1979-1989).
4. Kharitonov V.S. On the classification of vigilantism: some approaches in the framework of criminological research.

Military-administrative law

5. Glukhov E.A. On the legal regulation of the functions of the military formation and the powers of its officials.
6. Zemlin A.I., Kholikov I.V. Some problematic issues of the legal service The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in modern conditions.
7. Kukushkin M.V. Official secrets in the field of defense: the responsibility of military personnel for the disclosure of official secrets in the field of defense.
8. Roganov S.A. Functioning of the Institute of Public control in the field of combating corruption in the activities of military personnel The Armed Forces and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.
9. Sidorchuk S.N., Karyakin S.S. Organizational and legal aspects of the functioning of the territorial medical support system of troops (forces).
10. Synkov N.V. Problems of compliance with anti-corruption legislation by military personnel during a special military operation.
11. Shenshin V.M. On the issue of legal regulation of diving operations in the Russian Guard.

Military aspects of labor and civil law

12. Zaikov D.E. Features of social partnership in the sphere of labor in the Russian Guard, The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
13. Koryakin V.M. Simplified procedure for recognizing participants of a special military operation as missing and deceased.

Military service. Social guarantees and the status of military personnel

14. Beda N.V. Some legal aspects of medical and psychological rehabilitation (adaptation) of military personnel (employees) and persons discharged from military service (law enforcement service).
15. Grishchenko L.L. Legal aspects of medical support for military personnel.
16. Zorin O.L. Incentive payments to military personnel during military campaigns.
17. Kirichenko N.S., Bogdanov S.L. Organization of search, collection and evacuation of bodies of servicemen who died (died) in the performance of military service duties, as a measure of the implementation of social guarantees by the state.
18. Lagashkina Yu.V. On the issue of alternative civil service during periods of mobilization and martial law.
19. Norenko I.V. The use of digital technologies in the organization of military registration and conscription: a critical analysis of the new legislation.
20. Fomin A.V. Problems of assigning lump-sum payments to the children of the deceased (deceased) participants of a special military operation.
21. Tsutsiev S.A. Medical control over the living conditions of troops as an indicator of the relevance of the security system of military service.

Law enforcement, judicial, prosecutorial activities

22. Zakaznova A.N., Kharitonov S.S. On the consideration by the military court of complaints in accordance with Article 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation (based on the materials of judicial practice).
23. Makhyanova R.M. Forms of implementation of tactics of supervisory activity of the prosecutor's office.
24. Tishkin O.O. Prosecutor's supervision in the Armed Forces: the history of education and development, individual problems.

Criminal law, criminology, criminal procedure and criminalistics

25. Ermolovich Ya.N. Crimes against justice in the structure of crime in the Russian Federation.
26. Manteev M.B. Military crimes against the order of military service (Articles 337 and 338 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation): questions of theory and practice.
27. Morgulenko E.A. On the issue of criminal liability of persons participating in a special military operation on a voluntary basis.
28. Smirnov D.V., Sotnikova V.V. On the peculiarities of the criminal-legal qualification of crimes provided for in Article 2832 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
29. Kharitonov S.S., Sharapov S.N. Civil suit in criminal proceedings: appeal to military judicial practice.
30. Chukin D.S. Some aspects of exemption from criminal liability in connection with reconciliation with the victim when committing crimes against military service.
31. Shevchuk A.N. Criminal procedural guarantees of individual rights in the application of measures of criminal procedural coercion.

Military problems of international law. Foreign military legislation

32. Davtyan S.S. Conceptual and legislative bases of interaction between the headquarters of the Armed Forces associations and the territorial administration bodies of the Republic of Armenia.

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