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Военное право
Военное право

Электронное научное издание "Военное право" 2022г.


Magazine "Military law". Release № 5, 2022


Index of abbreviations.

Legal support of national security

1. Zemlin A.I. Issues of development of military-legal science in the context of modern problems of ensuring national security of Russia.
2. Koryakin V.M. Ensuring the security of control points of the state and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other special objects of mobilization purpose.
3. Taradonov S.V. Wartime legislation as a comprehensive normative legal education.

Theory and history of military law

4. Borisov A.V. Genesis of legislation on the death penalty in Russia.
5. Denisov D.I. The genesis of law under the influence of morality and morality. Mutual influence of phenomena: law, law, state.
6. Zyubanov Yu.A. Laws of the period of centralization of the Russian state on the ambiguity of the term "head".
7. Nekrasov A.A. Historical experience of the formation of law enforcement functions at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Empire.
8. Novokshonov D.V. Formation and development of the Russian legislation on criminal liability for crimes against the order of subordination and military statutory relations.
9. Poznahirev V.V. Regulation of military captivity in Russian and foreign military regulations at the turn of the XVII—XVIII centuries.
10. Polunin S.V., Korneychuk G.D., Lyakhov A.V. "Military Article" is a monument of military law, which established the foundations of unity of command and centralization of management.
11. Shamarov V.M., Shamarov P.V. On the function of the country's defense and its newest transformation into the function of sovereign statehood.

Military-administrative law

12. Glukhov E.A. Dysfunctions of military administration: recognition of the problem.
13. Kirichenko N.S. Review of proposals to improve legislation on material liability of military personnel.
14. Sibgatullin F.S. The concept of legal regulation of the activities of the National Guard troops of the Russian Federation, its limits and principles.
15. Tuganov Yu.N., Aulov V.K. Review of regulatory and legal regulation of approaches to assessing the state of discipline in the judicial corps and military discipline in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Military service. Social guarantees and the status of military personnel

16. Kirichenko N.S., Alexandrova N.G. On the issue of registration at the place of residence of employees with special ranks.
17. Malakhanov A.V., Kharitonov S.S. Challenging the dismissal of military personnel from military service (based on the materials of military judicial practice).
18. Miftakhov R.H., Miftakhova E.R. Moral and moral position (status) of a civil servant.
19. Kharaman E.E. Legal problems of the division between spouses of residential premises acquired under the program of the accumulative mortgage system of housing provision for military personnel.

Law enforcement, judicial, prosecutorial activities

20. Zavidov N.G. Topical issues of prosecutorial supervision over the execution of laws on the suppression of the distribution of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in military collectives.
21. Zaikov D.E. Official secrecy in the field of defense vs the principle of transparency of legal proceedings.
22. Makhyanova R.M. Evaluation of the effectiveness of supervisory activities of the Prosecutor's office.
23. Nazarova I.S., Shenshin V.M. Organizational basis for the prevention of corruption offenses in the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation.

Criminal law, criminology, criminal procedure and criminalistics

24. Vlasov S.Yu., Kharitonov S.S. Application of the rules for the appointment of criminal punishment (based on the materials of military judicial practice).
25. Ovcharov A.V. Criminal-legal and organizational means of countering the restriction of competition in the conditions of digitalization of the economy.
26. Sudenko V.E. Separate issues of operational investigative activity and criminalistics.

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