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Военное право
Военное право

Электронное научное издание "Военное право" 2021г.


Magazine "Military law". Release № 6, 2021


Index of abbreviations.

Legal support of national security

1. Denisov D.I. Topical issues of legal regulation of the use of voluntary people's squads in the protection of the State Border of the Russian Federation (using the example of the Border Department of the FSB of Russia in the Republic of Karelia).
2. Koryakin V.M. Correlation of the concepts of "protection" and "protection" in the field of transport security.
3. Krishtopov S.V. Scientific and practical commentary to the decree of the president of the Russian federation of 02.07.2021 № 400 «On the national security strategy of the Russian Federation».
4. Shenshin V.M. The place of the National Guard troops in the system of ensuring state and public security in the fight against terrorism and extremism.

Theory and history of military law

5. Aulov V.K. Defining information in information security documents: problems of understanding and ways to solve them.
6. Afanasyev V.S., Shamarov V.M. Prerequisites for the formation and characteristic features of a socially oriented state.
7. Vishnyakov M.M. To the issue of legal liability of members of the Separate Internal Guard Corps (1811—1864).
8. Glukhov E.A. Formation of military-administrative law in the views of theorists of military and legal science.
9. Zharkoy M.Е. Issues of systematization of emergency legislation and its impact on the change in the organizational and legal foundations of the activities of punitive bodies in the Soviet State in the 1920s.
10. Kirillov P.V. The level of criminal activity.
11. Ovcharov A.V. Legal assessment of the use of violence by non-state structures.
12. Chipiga I.V., Lomakina T.V. Аcts of the European court of human rights in the Russian legal system.

Military-administrative law

13. Gundzilovich I.V. Official secrets in the field of defense and some issues of responsibility for the disclosure of information related to it.
14. Meleshko P.E., Kharitonov S.S. On consideration by the Military Court of Cassation of complaints against court decisions in cases of administrative offenses (based on materials of military court practice).
15. Nasyrov D.V., Balitsky A.A. The troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation as a subject of the state system of countering youth extremism.
16. Roshchin S.R., Zemlin A.I. Fundamental approaches and directions for improving the activities of the legal service of the Russian National Guard troops: from experience to prospects.
17. Feoktistova O.Yu. Environmental information availability and compliance state secrets 140 Military service. Social guarantees and the status of military personnel.
18. Alexandrova N.G., Ivanov V.Yu., Kirichenko N.S. About the terms of providing military personnel with living quarters for permanent provision.
19. Malakhanov A.V., Kharitonov S.S. Collection of monetary funds from military personnel (based on the materials of judicial practice).
20. Potapov M.G. Problems of civil restrictions and prohibitions in the status of a soldier.
21. Tsutsiev S.A. Security of military service in the aspect of the implementation of social guarantees for safe work, for the protection of life and health of military personnel.

Legal support for the training and education of military personnel

22. Zaikov D.E. Legal training of personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: new legal regulation.
23. Meshchangina E.I. Legal regulation educational activities of military universities.
24. Yumkina E.A., Volkov V.V. Topical issues of military acmeology.

Judicial and prosecutorial activities

25. Baboshkin P.I. Review of legal and organizational decisions adopted within the period of the new COVID-19 coronavirus infection in order to secure observation in the course of cassation proceedings of constitutional guarantees of judicial protection of rights, freedoms and lawful interests of military personnel and their family members.
26. Mamonova M.V. Problems of implementation and the main directions of improving the protection of property rights of military organizations in the Russian Federation.
27. Makhyanova R.M. Correlations of the concepts of "tactics" and "methodology" in professional supervision 203 Legal responsibility of military personnel and military organizations.
28. Zemlin A.I., Kravtsov V.V. Disciplinary responsibility of military personnel for violations of legislation in the field of protection of state secrets: issues of theory and practice.
29. Kalashnikov V.V. Bringing military personnel to financial responsibility for damage caused to another military department.
30. Mironov V.S., Kharitonov S.S. Material liability military personnel: practical questions from the analysis military judicial practice.
31. Naydenov I.N. Financial responsibility of military personnel: what the commander (chief) should remember.
32. Naidenov I.N., Maistrenko V.S. On some issues of material responsibility of military personnel from among the flight personnel of aviation military units (divisions).
33. Cheshko V.Yu. Administrative responsibility of military personnel in the Republic of Belarus.
34. Yatkevich O.G., Alexandrova N.G. On verification by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of the provisions of the Federal Law "On Financial Responsibility of Military Personnel".

Criminal law, criminology, criminal procedure and criminalistics

35. Borisov A.V. On the issue of sanctions for transport crimes.
36. Iskhakov A.N. Features of the criminalistics characteristics of crimes, related to the illegal sale of narcotic drugs by contactless the method (using the internet).
37. Morgulenko E.A., Kharitonov S.S. On some problems of qualification of crimes in the sphere of illicit drug trafficking (based on materials of military court practice).
38. Nikonovich S.L., Yurin V.M., Nurushev A.А. The main directions of the search for property stolen at military construction sites.
39. Pantyuhina I.V. Problems of regulation and interpretation of destruction or damage of military graves, as well as monuments, steles, belisks, other memorial structures or objects, perpetuating the memory of those who died in the defense of the fatherland or its interests or dedicated to the days of military glory of Russia (Article 2434 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
40. Popov K.I. Justified risk in the conditions of the military service.
41. Sudenko V.E. Problematic issues of criminal law science.
42. Sharipov M.T. Criminalistics characteristics of crimes committed by military services of the Republic of Tajikistan in the areas of the armed conflict (1992—1997).
43. Yurchenko A.V., Plegansky D.O. On some structural elements of the criminalistic characteristics of illegal extraction and trafficking of especially valuable animals and aquatic biological resources.

Military problems of international law. Foreign military legislation

44. Antonov V.I., Aripov R.М. Problems of military security in the Central Asian region of collective security of the Collective Security Treaty Organization.
45. Redkous V.M. General characteristics of anti-corruption areas in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan: comparative legal aspect.
46. Sinyaeva N.A. International legal aspects for the deployment of space weapon prohibition.
47. Kholikov I.V., Shyshko A.A. Formation of international legal protection of cultural property in the event of an armed conflict.
48. Chernyavsky A.G. Topical issues of consideration of territorial disputes by the International Court of Justice of the United Nations.
49. Yatskevich O.G. On the regulation of the financial responsibility of military personnel in some foreign countries.

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