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Военное право
Военное право

Электронное научное издание "Военное право" 2018г.


Magazine "Military law". Release № 4, 2018


Anniversary issue of the journal "Military law" (from the editorial Board)

Legal support of national security of the Russian Federation

1. Davydov A.V. On the issue of state security forces and their competence.
2. Dolgova A. I. The system of legal regulation of the fight against terrorism.
3. Mechangina E. I. To the question of the legal providing of national security of the Russian Federation.

Administrative law

4. Alekseev M. V. Concept and directions of improvement of the organization of preparation of administrative regulations in activity of bodies of Federal security service.
5. Kulikova, V. A. Development of multimodal transport and logistics centers in the far East.
6. Nesterov A. I. Organization of the Department in the context of legal personality.
7. Petuchkov A. A. Formation and development of geoinformation technologies in border activities.
8. Skorobogatov M. V. Military-legal status of the border Department (border Outpost).
9. Trofimov M. V. Methodological foundations of the theory of financial and legal status of military organizations.

Civil right.

10. Egorov A. P. On the terminological certainty of the concept of aircraft taking into account legal regulation in the Russian Federation.
11. Motasova D. D. Civil-legal regulation of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles of Russian and foreign legislation.
12. Surnina O. S., Trachuk O. V. Assurance of circumstances as a means of civil legal protection of the weak side.
13. Tishchenko A. G. Legal aspects of advance payment of the state defense order and consequences of its absence.

Social guarantees of military personnel. Housing supply.

14. Ivanov V. Yu. Legal regulation of compulsory state insurance of life and health of military personnel needs to be improved.
15. Ilmeneikin P. V. Legal uncertainty of the status of veterans of military service and members of their families.
16. Kazakov D. A. Legal regulation of formation of specialized housing stock of Federal Executive authorities and Federal state bodies in which the Federal law provides military service.
17. Koryakin V. M. Federal law "on the status of servicemen": 20 years later.
18. Pichugin D. G. Topical issues of providing living quarters for soldiers to be dismissed from military service, and citizens dismissed from military service.
19. Kharitonov S. S. certain issues of military pay in light of the legality of the actions of the commanders (chiefs)

Military duty and military service.

20. Tuganov Yu. N., Hanko V. V. Legal aspects of formation and development of leadership qualities in the system of the Institute of state civil and military service of the Russian Federation.
21. Kharitonov V. S. About some legal aspects of admission to Suvorov military schools and training in them as a form of voluntary training of citizens for military service.

Anti-corruption in the military organization of the state.

22. Zaikov D. E. Specifics of legal regulation of counteraction to nepotism in labor relations.
23. Ilyin Y. A. Organizational and legal basis of counteraction of corruption in implementation of public procurement for the needs of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Law enforcement. Prosecutorial supervision. Judicial activity.

24. Venchikov D. A. Content and regulatory consolidation of law enforcement functions of border authorities at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation.
25. Luzhin K. N. Comparative legal analysis of military courts of the Russian Federation and Republic of Azerbaijan.
26. Mahanova R. M. the concept of tactics in the Supervisory activities of the military Prosecutor.
27. Parshakov S. A. Supervisory support to the activities of Russian troops abroad: history and modernity.

Criminal law and criminal procedure. Criminology and forensic science.

28. Afanasyeva O. R., Shian V. I. Crimes against military service: state, dynamics, structure and causes.
29. Gluhov E. A., Evstratova Y. A. On the need to release the command from non-core duties to investigate crimes.
30. Kolotushkin S. M., Loseva S. N. Reconstruction of the explosive device in the Wake of its explosion at the scene.
31. Onokolov U. P. The Major part of crimes in the army began to make military professionals.
32. Sudenko, V. E. The Dominant role of the subjective side of a crime.

Criminal Executive law.

33. Gnedova N. P. Topical issues of execution of deprivation of liberty against convicted women.
34. Loseva S. N. Actual problems of crime prevention in educational colonies.
35. Maslennikov E. E., Gorovoy V. A Typical situation of providing prisoners counter legitimate demands of the prison administration, the actions of employees criminally-Executive system to overcome it.

Military problems of international law. Foreign military legislation.

36. Gagarin E. O. Is there a future for international humanitarian law?
37. Dolgova A. I. Extremism and the legal basis of response to It.
38. Kobets P. N., Krasnova K. A. Border forces of the state of Israel: experience and features of public security, maintenance of public order and fight against terrorism.
39. Ovcharov O. A. Legal bases of activity of military clergy of Greece and Israel (questions of improvement of legal work).

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