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Военное право
Военное право

Электронное научное издание "Военное право" 2017г.


Magazine "Military law". Release № 6, 2017


Security, defense, military construction.

1. Damaskin O.V. Russia's Military security: contemporary problems and prospects.
2. Emelyanova A.I., Shnjakina T.S. System planning, military construction: current status and prospects of development.
3. Ovcharov A.O. The essence of the legal work and its importance in the defense (military-legal and theological study).
4. Ponomarev, A.I. The relationship between the concepts "strategy", "doctrine", "the concept" in the context of the theory of ensuring national security.
5. Shablykina I.V., Sidorov V.V. Modern features of realization of geopolitical projects and future directions of criminological security of the Russian Federation.

History of military law and military law.

6. Glukhov, E.A. Influence of proprietary right of nobles to earth for the combat readiness of Russian troops to the pre-Petrine period.
7. Kalinin A.A. the Application of military criminal law during the great Patriotic war.
8. Luzhin K.N., Snurnitsyn N.V. 150-anniversary of the Moscow military district court is dedicated to (the historical and legal background).
9. Kharitonov V.S. On history of legal regulation of basic military training in educational institutions of our state.

The military aspects of administrative, financial and labour law.

10. Herman, E.S. Problems of legal regulation of administrative coercive measures applied by the military personnel of national guard troops of the Russian Federation.
11. Zaykov D.E. Changes are coming: the status of employees of military organizations expect change.
12. Key I.A. Corruption risks mentoring: the question.
13. Skorobogatov M.V. Organizational and legal basis of activities of frontier division (frontier).
14. Trofimov M.V. The Theoretical basis of financial of the legal personality of military organizations.
15. Kholopova E.N., Luzi, A.A. the Mechanism of legal regulation of application of border authorities official warnings.
16. Shcherbak S.I. New rules on the use of firearms by employees of the state security: continuation of the harmonization process.

Civil-legal aspects of military law.

17. Moiseev D.V. Peculiarities of the contract of air carriage in the activities of military organizations.
18. Tishchenko A.G. Control in the sphere of public procurement.
19. Trofimov E.N. The question of the application of the provisions of article 208 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation in the part concerning the Statute of limitations in considering the claims about the eviction of former members of military families from the occupied residential premises.

The social guarantees for servicemen. Problems of military medicine.

20. Manannikov D.Y About the necessity of improving individual legal norms regulating issues of medical support in military medical establishments (organizations), citizens, dismissed from military service.
21. Mushailov G.R., Singilevich D. Legal basis of training military medical personnel in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
22. Trofimov E.N. To the question of the material responsibility of servicemen who received (receive) monetary compensation for employment (sublease) of housing, after the rejection of the proposed premises of specialized housing stock.
23. Kharitonov S S. To the question about the validity of the military who refuses he provide specialized premises.
24. Holikov I.V., Vovkodav V.S. Human factor safety: military and legal aspects.

Military criminal law. Criminology. Forensics.

25. Gulyaev V. G., Gulyaev P.V., Goryainov A.V. Criminalistic and forensic features of forensic expertise in the investigation of the smuggling of drugs through the State border of the Russian Federation.
26. Nokolov Y. P. Motivation of crimes committed by military personnel during warfare and other combat operations.
27. Popov A.S. Theoretical and legal aspects of the criminalization of illegal movement across the state border of goods and other items.
28. Sensin V. M. absence without leave or place of service as an intentional crime.

Problems of legal responsibility.

29. Vorontsov A.A., Subanova N.V. Some questions of the prosecution for the obstruction of business activities.
30. Kirichenko N.S. To the question of the material responsibility of servicemen undergoing military service in the territorial body of the Federal service of national guard troops of the Russian Federation.
31. Kydyraliev, K.E. Some problems of legal regulation of the material liability of servicemen (analysis of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Kyrgyz Republic).

Judicial activities. Public Prosecutor's supervision. Law enforcement.

32. Tuganov Yu.N., Sologub, D. P. the Role of prosecutorial supervision over the execution of the migratory legislation of the Russian Federation (on an example TRANS-Baikal territory)
33. Mintages S.A. Tracing the stolen (lost) military property of the military police of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
34. Garabet, K.V. the organs of the military police in the prevention of marcoprofanarte soldiers.
35. Sabotinov I.A. implementation of the military prosecutors of the authority in the arbitration process for recovery of state property from illegal possession as an effective way to protect the economic interests of the state.

The military aspects of environmental and land law.

36. Lychev D.I. Legal protection of atmospheric air in Russia in the framework of the national environmental safety.
37. Talibov, R.A. Theoretical and legal model of withdrawal of land for needs of defence and state security.

Military problems of international law.

38. Verbitskaya T.V. The Responsibility to protect is equivalent to the intervention?
39. Rylskaya, M.A. International humanitarian law: the basic principles of restrictions on the use of nuclear weapons.

Reviews of military legal publications.

40. Koryakin V.M. Commander of the military unit as a subject of notarial activities.

Judicial practice.

41. Judicial practice on administrative, civil and criminal cases, Judicial Board on military cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

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