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Военное право



The journal "Law in the Armed Forces - the Military law review" No. 11, 2010.

1. Koryakin V. M. anticorruption – 2010: some results and challenges.

2.Gacko M. F. Military pension minimization.

3. Merinov K. S. Separate the issues of money allowances of servicemen of civil defense troops and military officers of the State fire service of Ministry of Russian Federation for civil defence, emergencies and elimination of consequences of natural disasters and their families.

4.Efremov A. V. Federal law entered into force, and the payment remains the same.

5.Fateev, K. V., Kharitonov S. S. About the legality of bringing to disciplinary responsibility of the soldier.
Abstract: the questions the legality of bringing to disciplinary
6. Tyurin A. I. the Use of invective vocabulary as one of the elements of control.

7. Tuganov J. N., Chuhraeva M. S. within the commander's discretion.

8. Bakovic M. N. The additional payments.

9. Kozlov V. V. Legal constraints joint services of close relatives in the military units (some aspects of legal regulation of military service, civil service and employment).

10. Kirichenko N. With. The conduct of officials of bodies of military management administrative investigations.

11. D. E. Zaikov Inquiry and administrative investigation: who should carry it out?

12. Volkov V. P., Damaskin O. V. Topical issues of legal ensuring of the electoral rights of servicemen.

13. Vorobyov, E. G., on the right to public housing in the chosen place of residence in connection with dismissal from military service.

14. Trofimov E. N. On the right to housing under a social lease contract servicemen.

15. Koryakin V. M. the Deliberate worsening of housing conditions.

16. Shukurov A. T. On the admission of term of limitation of eviction soldiers.

17. Eliminatin P. V. Features of judicial protection of the rights of servicemen in the illicit discharge from military service.

18. Manannikov D. the Right to be recognized as needing residential area.

19. Efremov A.V. Entitled to payment of pension for loss of breadwinner is lost in connection with military service.

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