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Военное право
Военное право

Электронное научное издание "Военное право" 2011г.


Magazine "Military law". Release № 1, 2011

1. Vorobev E.G., the candidate of jurisprudence, the senior lecturer, the colonel of justice.
About social justice and a transparency in a new order of reception of premises for military men.
The legal, social and political analysis of a new order of granting of premises is given military men according to the order of the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation № 1280. A basis of the analysis of a steel of position of Instructions about granting of premises, the right theory about social justice of the right and the law, studying of public opinion of military men, veterans of military service, military jurists.
Keywords: The right, the law, justice, Instructions, premises, the rights of military men.
ID number of the article in STC "Informregistr": 0421100099\0001

2. Glukhov E.A., Lt. Col.
Changing of the public interests by corporate (group) interests in the military bureaucracy.
Abstract: In this article the author analyzes the causes and circumstances of the corrupt practices by officials of state and military administration. The author concludes that the legal definition of competitive interests in the context of the personal benefit of an official does not cover other motives for the corrupt practices of this offical, some of which are caused by group (corporate) interests of a few individuals.
Keywords: competitive interests, corruption, and motivated actions of officials, corporate interest, group interest, military administration.
ID number of the article in STC "Informregistr": 0421100099\0002

3.Grinevich D., Associate Chair of Civil Law, Military University captain of Justice, dgrinevich@yandex.ru.
Legal regulation of protection honor, dignity and business reputation of the military Armed Forces of the Russian Federation at the present stage.
This article analyzes, and classification of ways to protect the dignity of military honor and reputation of troops Forces.
Keywords: military honor, military dignity, reputation, protection, defamation, insult.
ID number of the article in STC "Informregistr": 0421100099\0003

4. V.M.Korjakin, korjakinmiit@rambler.ru.
Evolution of dissertational researches on the military law.
The summary: article represents a short historical sketch of development of dissertational researches on a military law, the statistical data about the quantitative and qualitative characteristic of the specified dissertations protected during the period with 1942 for 2011 is cited.
Keywords: military law, the dissertation, scientific researches.
ID number of the article in STC "Informregistr": 0421100099\0004

5. Kuzurmanova I.V., candidate of law, employee of the Centre of Russian Law Studies «Aequitas».
About the substance of the administrative jurisdictional activity of military officials.
The Summary: Using systems approach, the author consistently considers the substance of the jural categories «jurisdiction», «administrative jurisdiction», «administrative jurisdictional activity». After eliciting of the administrative jurisdictional activity features the author characterizes the military officials administrative jurisdictional activity.
Key words: jurisdiction, administrative jurisdictional activity, administrative legal conflict, military officials.
ID number of the article in STC "Informregistr": 0421100099\0005

6. Onokolov YP, Lecturer Novorossiysk branch of the Modern Humanitarian Academy, PhD, Colonel of Justice stock, onokolov2006@mail.ru.
To prevent and combat crime in the military, must be integrated forecasting.
The problems of forecasting as a necessary element in the formation of a system framework for the prevention and fight against crime soldiers.
Keywords: corporate forecasting, crime, military, reform.
ID number of the article in STC "Informregistr": 0421100099\0006

7. J.J.Patalaha, the graduated in a military academy of Military university, yar84@bk.ru.
Genesis and development of system of legal regulation of military ranks of military men (XV century – 1917).
The summary: article is devoted consideration of historical aspects of occurrence and development of the legislation on military ranks of military men in Russia, the periodization of historical development of the given legal institute is carried out.
Keywords: military ranks, ranks, military service.
ID number of the article in STC "Informregistr": 0421100099\0007

8. V.A. Skripel, post-graduate student of the Theory and History of State and Law Department of the Military University, Captain of Justice.
Methods of Enforcing Military Service Bans in Armed Forces of The Russian Federation.
The paper successively considers the main methods of enforcing ban imple-mentation in the military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, to which the author classifies: coercion, persuasion and incentives. A theoretical and legal analysis of the subject let us justify the conclusion that the state authorities and military control bodies should give priority to incentives and persuasion in the enforcement of bans under current conditions.
Key words: enforcement of right, bans in the military service in the Russian Federation, method of coercion, method of persuasion persuasion, method of incentives.
ID number of the article in STC "Informregistr": 0421100099\0008

9. Tkachev A.V., post-graduate student of the Military Law Department of the Military University, captain of justice, tkachev06@bk.ru.
International Legal Obligations of the Russian Federation in the Field of Use of Armed Combat Means.
Abstract: The article gives a detailed analysis of the international legal obligations of the Russian Federation in the field of use of armed combat means in an armed conflict. The bans and limits set by the international law rules regarding the use of conventional arms, as well as mass destruction means, and also the principles stipulated in the international legal acts the Russian Federation is a participant of are discussed.
Keywords: international law, armed combat means in an armed conflict, arms.
ID number of the article in STC "Informregistr": 0421100099\0009

10. Troshchenko R.A., Lawyer, teacher 42 pulpits Krasnodarskogo VVAUL, pvs1997@mail.ru.
Criminal-law policy as the part of the criminal policy of the state.
In the publication is presented the point of view of the author with respect to of content and relationship of such concepts as the criminal and criminal- lawf policy of state.
Тhe keywords: criminal law, criminal policy, criminal-law policy, crime control.
ID number of the article in STC "Informregistr": 0421100099\00010

11. A.A.Chushkina, korjakinmiit@rambler.ru.
Formation of anticorruption sense of justice of military men as means of counteraction of corruption.
The summary: in article the analysis of one of the major directions of counteraction of corruption – formation of anticorruption sense of justice is carried out, the structure of sense of justice reveals, the reasons of defects of sense of justice and a way of their elimination are formulated.
Keywords: sense of justice, corruption, corruption counteraction, anticorruption sense of justice.
ID number of the article in STC "Informregistr": 0421100099\00011

12. Shcherbak SI, PhD, Associate Professor, pvs1997@mail.ru.
On the essence of armed protection of state border.
An attempt to produce a theoretical analysis of the new concept of "armed defense of state borders". Variants of the study of this phenomenon. Shows the contents of the armed defense of state borders in legal terms.
The state border, armed protection, the use of weapons, armed forces, border agencies, line, boundary markers.
ID number of the article in STC "Informregistr": 0421100099\00012

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